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How to donate

From your cell phone through Yappy

Scan this QR code with the Banco General app:

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-09 a la(s) 2.12.17 p. m..png

Or if you prefer, find us in the Yappy directory as:​



Once the transfer is made, you send us the receipt to:

(507) 6816-7813

Image by NordWood Themes
Image by Meritt Thomas

Bank account donation 

If you send your donation in the form of a check to our foundation, make sure to make it payable to: Fundación LUCES Panamá and then call: (507) 6816-7813 or send us an e-mail to: with your information to coordinate the search for your check.



Checking Account



Credit Card Donations

Affiliate with your card and improve the life of a child.

Click the button to follow the payment instructions.

Credit Card Donation
Compras en línea con tarjeta de crédito
Image by Christin Hume

Directly in our offices

Justo Arosemena Avenue,

Building of the old Oncology Hospital,

PB (Between the Metro Station - Santo Tomás and the Church of Cristo Rey)

Why do we ask for your support?


  • Explosive increase in patients with epilepsy due to prematurity and poor health during pregnancy.

  • Limited Technical Resources.

  • 40-50% of patients do not have access to medicines.

  • Educational level on the health of the population is very low.

  • There is no support network for patients.

  • There are no mechanisms, employment programs, legal protection, etc.

  • NOTHING exists.

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